The program identifies academic and social needs of the individual and provides a curriculum that focuses on problem solving and critical thinking. Through intervention and strengthening learning strategies, the school empowers each student to reach his or her potential.
Our summer academic program is designed to review, enhance, and enrich academic skills so that students are prepared to start a new school year in the fall. The focus in the morning is on reading, written language, and math. Students will spend approximately 50 minutes on each subject with a break and snack time built into the day.
Centreville Layton School prides itself on small class sizes, so each student receives the attention they need. The program runs five days a week, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy are available for those who qualify.
Daily language arts instruction reinforces decoding skills, oral reading fluency, and comprehension. Literary skills are also taught, including identifying the author’s purpose; sequencing story events; using context clues to make inferences; and identifying story elements like setting, plot, characters, and theme. Students read selections from anthologies, trade books, novels, and then demonstrate comprehension through discussion, activities, and written responses.
Written language is taught each day during language arts class. Students write in a variety of genres and learn organizational skills that can be applied to all types of writing. The youngest students begin by drawing a picture and writing a sentence to describe it; the oldest students write complex responses to reading comprehension questions as well as multi-paragraph pieces. Proofreading, revising, and editing skills are refined.
Daily mathematics instruction reviews grade level concepts from the previous school year and will explore concepts that will be introduced in the fall. Facts, computation, and problem-solving skills are a few of the concepts that may be taught. This provides all students with a jumpstart and added confidence when they enter the next grade level.
Academic learning skills are reinforced throughout the morning. Specifically, students are taught organization skills and study strategies appropriate for their grade level. The development of these skills helps students begin the new school year with confidence.
Strong communication with the current teacher and summer teacher is integral in the planning of each student’s program for the five weeks. In addition to the information we receive from the current teacher, our staff assesses each student’s skills using diagnostic teaching strategies. This enables teachers to design a more individualized program to meet the student’s unique needs. At the end of the summer program, parents receive a written report about their child’s progress, including a summary of their child’s individual strengths and areas that need continued reinforcement.
Occupational Therapy is offered by a licensed registered occupational therapist. Lower School students are typically seen in the mini-gym one to two times a week in a small group (two to four children) for a thirty-minute session. Middle School students are typically seen once a week in a small group (two to four students) for a thirty-minute session. Occupational therapy services are designed to reinforce the goals that have been established by the child’s IEP or goals from a private occupational therapist. Assistive technology tools to support written output production are introduced as indicated or as needed.
To receive Occupational Therapy, a student must:
During Centreville Layton School’s Summer Program, Speech and Language Therapy is designed to reinforce school year achievements and to advance student progress towards existing goals regarding articulation, receptive and expressive language, pragmatic language, and other school-related communication skill areas. Summer goals, as well as the frequency of service, are developed based on one of the documents listed below and at the discretion of the Speech/Language Pathologist. All therapies are delivered by State Licensed and Nationally Certified Speech/Language Pathologists.
To receive summer Language Therapy, one or more of the following types of documentation must be provided by the parent:
Morning Care is offered with two options. Families may opt to prepay for all 5-weeks or may pay per attendance. Students may enter the gym beginning at 7:30 am to play under teacher supervision. If a student is dropped off before 8:10 am, a Morning Care charge will be applied.
After a morning spent learning, students become campers and participate in a structured afternoon recreational program. The afternoon program is run by a Centreville Layton School veteran teacher. A staff of teachers and counselors work with the campers to ensure a fun, socially distanced, and safe camp experience. Groups are limited to six to ten campers; so all children receive the attention they need.
Supporting the afternoon is a team of Centreville Layton School’s own teachers as well as counselors from local colleges and high schools. Many of these counselors have been part of Centreville Layton School’s Summer Program for several summers. As part of the hiring process, counselors must complete a volunteer summer in which they work alongside an experienced counselor.
Centreville Layton School counselors:
The safety of our students and campers is very important to us. Our school nurse is on campus all day. She takes part in all off-campus activities, including any field trips and trips to the pool.
Upon dismissal, campers gather in the gym and find seats for lunch. Campers can bring their lunch or order a hot lunch. Hot lunch will be available for preorder five days a week. The menu will be distributed at a later date.
Mid-way through the afternoon, campers will be offered a snack. Days when we are on-campus this usually consists of a bagged treat (chips, pretzels, etc.). At the pool, campers are treated to a Philly Pretzel Factory regular size pretzel.
All known allergies are respected and we do our best to inform parents of the snack options and alternatives. It is suggested that campers with allergies bring food from home for safety. Please talk to the nurse about any concerns.
Our afternoon session provides an opportunity for children to strengthen their social and physical skills. Campers are put into groups of 12 or less with a counselor ratio of 6:1. Campers participate in; on campus scheduled activities such as physical games, technology, arts and crafts, or science. In addition they enjoy a Fun Frenzy Day where special activities take place or a field trip is planned. Please read below to learn more about our afternoon activities.
Physical Games
Physical Games at Centreville Layton School’s Summer Program focus on moving and having fun.Our large, air-conditioned gymnasium and sprawling campus offer ample space to accommodate a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Campers learn the basic rules and skills of various games or sports.
In the computer lab, campers are offered the opportunity to explore educational, online games for their age/grade level under teacher or counselor supervision. Whether they play individually or together, students like the opportunity to choose the games they play.
Arts and Crafts
Lead by an enthusiastic teacher or counselor, campers enjoy creating and exploring with many mediums. From the famous Perler beads to construction paper projects, imaginations and ideas are sparked. This could include some cooking lessons as well. Activities may center on the theme or just summer creations.
The science lessons are often teacher driven, but remain hands-on and fun. In the past, campers have explored the cool factor of science such as making goo, seeing the effects of sunscreen, building bridges and towers, exploring the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, and much more.
We are planning (pending the weather) that on Tuesdays and Thursdays, campers will enjoy an afternoon of swimming at a local swim club. Swimming will take place at an off campus swim club from 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm and can be picked up until 5:30 pm. In addition to Centreville Layton School’s own camp staff, the Swim Club will provide lifeguards to ensure the safety of the campers.
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Our son learned the valuable skills of teamwork, patience and perseverance during his time at Centreville Layton as well as the academic strategies to move forward into a typical high school setting. Centreville Layton strikes a great balance of family-like warmth and discipline in a beautiful country setting.
This past year has been completely transformational for our daughter and her positive strides have been noticeable both at home and at school. She is growing into the best version of herself and her teachers at CLS have played a significant role in her progress.
This year, I’ve learned to understand that acceptance is greatly appreciated but difficult to find. Compared to where I came from, CLS houses some of the most accepting people that I’ve ever met. I am thankful for every little act of kindness shown towards me or even towards another student. They have not gone unnoticed.
We’re prepared for this because we’ve learned how to work hard, solve problems, be independent, happy, responsible and kind to all.
The support from my teachers taught me not just reading and writing, but to embrace who I am, to learn from my mistakes and grow because of them.