
Summer Program

Lower and Middle School Summer Program
June 27-July 29

Centreville Layton School is pleased to provide a summer program that offers students academic support and instruction in preparation for the upcoming school year. We offer targeted support to strengthen reading, writing, and math skills through a challenging, dynamic, and supportive program. Every summer, we welcome our students, as well as students from local independent, parochial, and public schools. Families seek out Centreville Layton School for its well-rounded program that combines academic and recreational opportunities.

The Centreville Layton School Summer Program serves boys and girls from PK through 12th grade and prides itself on focusing on the individual needs and strengths of each student. Our balanced program offers a structured academic morning program and a recreation afternoon program. Through our hands-on, multisensory approach, your child will grow and prosper.



Our academic program are designed to review, enhance, and enrich academic skills so that students are prepared to start a new school year in the fall. The focus in the morning is on reading, written language, and math. Students will spend approximately 50 minutes on each subject with a break and snack time built into the day.

Centreville Layton School prides itself on small class sizes, so each student receives the attention they need. The program runs five days a week, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy are available for those that qualify. 

After a morning spent learning, students become campers and participate in a structured afternoon recreational program. The afternoon program is run by a Centreville Layton School veteran teacher. A staff of teachers and counselors work with the campers to ensure a fun, and safe camp experience. Our afternoon session provides an opportunity for children to strengthen their social and physical skills. Campers are put into groups of 12 or less with a counselor ratio of 6:1.  Campers participate in; on campus scheduled activities such as physical games, technology, arts and crafts, or science. In addition they enjoy a Fun Frenzy Day where special activities take place or a field trip is planned. Please read below to learn more about our afternoon activities.

Inquiry Form

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Groups are limited to six to ten campers; so all children receive the attention they need.

If you would like more information about our program, please fill out our inquiry form and our Director will contact you shortly.

Upper School (9th-12th Grade)

One-On-One Instruction Options

Centreville Layton School also  provides an Individualized Academic Support Program offering one-on-one or small group tutoring with a Centreville Layton School instructor for students in entering grades 9-12th. The sessions are offered for language arts and/or mathematical support. Individualized Academic Support sessions are not designed for credit recovery.

Classes will meet daily for five weeks for 1 hour sessions. The time will be agreed upon in advance with the instructor (once the time is agreed upon it will not be flexible and there will not be make up sessions.)

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The difference is clear

Our son learned the valuable skills of teamwork, patience and perseverance during his time at Centreville Layton as well as the academic strategies to move forward into a typical high school setting. Centreville Layton strikes a great balance of family-like warmth and discipline in a beautiful country setting.

Jan B.
Former Parent

This past year has been completely transformational for our daughter and her positive strides have been noticeable both at home and at school. She is growing into the best version of herself and her teachers at CLS have played a significant role in her progress.

Michelle L.
Middle School parent

This year, I’ve learned to understand that acceptance is greatly appreciated but difficult to find. Compared to where I came from, CLS houses some of the most accepting people that I’ve ever met. I am thankful for every little act of kindness shown towards me or even towards another student. They have not gone unnoticed.


We’re prepared for this because we’ve learned how to work hard, solve problems, be independent, happy, responsible and kind to all.


The support from my teachers taught me not just reading and writing, but to embrace who I am, to learn from my mistakes and grow because of them.
